3/4 SV

Week 7, Term 4

Hero Awards

We continue to celebrate students who fill their HERO Award Charts. Congratulations to the students that have filled their charts recently!


Whole School Prayer

On Friday mornings we have enjoyed the Grade 5s sharing their prayer services with us. Each week is a different value or theme and last week it was forgiveness. They often include a prayer, a song and individual reflection time. The students always participate with reverence.


Advent Prayer Services

This year for Advent, we will celebrate as a school, during Whole School Prayer.

Whole School Prayer will be extended to 15 minutes and in order to complete all four Advent sessions the dates will be Tuesday December 5th (Hope), Friday December 8th (Peace), Tuesday December 12th (Joy) and Wednesday December 13th (Love) all commencing at 8:50am. Some sessions will be all together in the Red Centre and some in our classroom. Parents and carers are most welcome to attend.