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This week we have been revising 2D shapes. We can recognise and name a whole variety of shapes and describe them according to their 'properties' (the number of sides and whether they are straight or curved, as well as the number of corners they have).
We started out with the simple ones - circle, triangle, square and rectangle. We have learnt that there are lots of different 4 sided shapes including a rhombus, diamond and trapezium - and they get their different names because of the lengths of their sides.
Other polygons we looked at included pentagons (5 sides), hexagons (6 sides), octagons (8 sides) and decagons (10 sides). A few of us even found out about heptagons (7 sides), nonagons (9 sides) and dodecagons (12 sides).
We used these shapes to create monsters, and described each part to a partner without using the name of the shape - only their properties.
As part of our Inquiry learning, we have been comparing the past to the present. We looked at lots of examples of what people wore back in the 1800s and how different their clothing was if they were rich of poor. Using these ideas, we drew and wrote about what we would wear if we lived at Como House in the 1800s.
We are really looking forward to tomorrow's excursion.
Please make sure everyone is on time to school as we will be leaving at 8.45am.
Students should wear their full summer school uniform and bring along their snack, lunch and drink bottle in a small named bag, or lunchbox.