What's Happening at 

St John's

What's happening in grade 5/6

We’ve had an incredibly busy start to the year in 5/6! 


Prep Buddies

The Year 6s were lucky enough to meet their Prep buddies at the start of this term and they’ve since been ‘showing them the ropes’ at St John’s. 

Intheir first activity together, they created sunflowers to signify growth and learning. 

Year 6 Badge Ceremony 

Last Friday at Assembly, the Year 6  Leaders for 2024 were awarded with their badges. We would like to congratulate all these students for showing such tremendous leadership and confidence as they received their badges on the stage. 



In  Maths, we have been revising our knowledge of place value in whole numbers and decimal numbers and applying this to addition and subtraction. We have been sharing and exploring different mental and written strategies to solve simple and complex subtraction and addition problems in our ‘number talk’ warm-ups. Students have been invited to share their strategies with the class and discuss ways to improve their efficiency. 




During Literacy, the 5/6s have been studying the novel ‘ Warhorse’ by Michael Morpurgo. In addition to discussing the characters and storyline, we’ve been exploring the author’s use of personification and simile. Students have explored the rich vocabulary used in ‘Warhorse’ and explored the morphology of these words.




In Inquiry, we have been looking at the driving question: ‘Who are we and how do we learn?’ We are exploring the book ‘Dear you, Love from your Brain’ and learning about the different parts of our brain and how to keep it healthy to help us learn!



On Shrove Tuesday, some of our parent helpers came in to help us cook some yummy pancakes! While they were cooking, the Year 5/6 students were learning all about the history of Shrove Tuesday and how it connects to Lent. We have also started thinking about ‘Who we are in God’s House?’ and what that means to us.


Important Dates 

  • Wednesday 21st Feb - Grade 6 mentor morning tea (staff will be hosting the morning tea)
  • Friday 1st March - 5/6 Rugby Clinic 
  • Monday 4th March - Thursday 7th March - Swimming Program at PARC
  • Friday 8th March - Beach safety lesson run by PARC