First Steps Centre

Kinder Dates and Notifications:

  • Kindergarten Family Picnic -14th March 5:00pm - 6:00pm at Moo Cow Playground, 1 Wren Close, Nunawading. 
  • Family Breakfast: 28th March- 7:30am on-wards. 
  • Easter Hat Parade: 28th March- 


It has been a wonderful week for our three-year-old group! The children have been exploring, manipulating and experimenting with the resources at kinder in different ways. They have shown an increasing interest in building a house with wooden blocks and soft bricks. There have been so many wonderful moments when children learned to communicate and collaborate. Painting the salt dough treasures, exploring the insect world, learning about new games and action songs have also been very popular. It's great to see children become increasingly confident in learning new things, exploring the environment and connecting with each other.


It has been a busy and wonderful week across our four-year-old groups. The children have continued exploring the concept of identity through various forms of art and music. They have been drawing their self-portraits, and discussing who is in our families using our family photos. We also have had discussions around kinder expectations and how we can all contribute to a safe and enjoyable learning environment at Kinder. The children have fully immersed themselves in the joy of music, arts and crafts and outdoor experiences. It's wonderful to see children's enthusiasm and engagement across these varied experiences!



The Kindergarten team!