Connections Centre

Specialist Feature News: Visual Art

Selamat Siang, 


We have been keeping our hands busy in the Art Room for the past few weeks!


Foundation students have been focusing on the colours of the rainbow through water colour painting. We took turns carefully putting on smocks and used teamwork to help each other! Students also practised drawing their faces and even their whole bodies as part of their self-portrait assessment task!



1/2s have been exploring warm & cool colours through the Mexican-inspired art of 'Sol', the Sun and 'Luna'. We have used pastel, textas, pencils and chalk to blend the colours on our warm and cool artworks!


As a connection to 'Clean Up Australia Day', the 3/4s have been exploring the impacts of rubbish and ocean waste on animals and the environment. They have used creativity and curiosity to create art to raise awareness and illustrate the impacts on our sea life!



5/6 students have continued to work on their Autumn tree artwork displays as they explore the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colours of the Colour Wheel. We will continue to explore these in our portfolio next week! 



It has been wonderful to see students using teamwork, creativity and a love of learning in Visual Arts this term. We hope you continue to enjoy our displays around the learning centres and those shared online.


Physical Education : Colour Fun Run! 


Get your Colour on! MPRPS is hosting a Colour Splatacular Run 4 Fun on Friday the 19th of April 2024!


Not only are we hosting an awesome Colour Splatacular Run 4 Fun, students can order up to a total of 5 prizes based on their donations received. They can even mix and match! Alternatively, students can donate their donations to one of the five causes – Carbon Neutral (tree planting), Great Barrier Reef Foundation (coral planting or turtle protection), The Smith Family (reading support) or OzHarvest (providing meals).


Students will receive a sponsorship book with instructions on setting up their cybersafe, online fundraising profile at This is an entirely online fundraiser; all cash donations must be converted to online donations to redeem your prizes.


We are so excited for the Splatacular! 

For more information or if you would like to volunteer and be involved on the day, please contact Hamish Burrill through Sentral.


Terima Kasih, 

The Specialist Team

Yana Gill, Marissa Mundy, Hamish Burrill, Steph Muratovic, Beth Cardi and Natalie Palmer. 

Pupil of the Week

Visual Arts

Junior - James M (FT)

For demonstrating teamwork and kindness in Visual Arts when supporting other students in the class with their artworks!


Senior - Novella F (3/4W)

For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity in the Art Room when drafting and creating your art pieces. 


Junior - Amy W (FC)

For designing an outstanding pair of glasses in our lesson on eyesight. 


Senior - Nivas V (3/4S)

For your enthusiastic participation in our digestive system investigation. What impressive maths skills you have!


Junior -  Hazel (FT)

For showing your knowledge of the Indonesian colours we have learnt. Bagus, Hazel!


Senior - Oliver B (3/4W)

For improving your sentence writing week after week! Your connective use is leading to wonderfully complex sentences! Hebat!

Physical Education

Junior - Misa D (1/2E)

For showing a love of learning and perseverance when assisting her classmates with timing them during an obstacle course. 


Senior - Aveer M (3/4K)

For showing respect, teamwork and love of learning when teaching his peers how to serve in readiness for Hot Shots Tennis.