Student Superstars!

Recognising Our Talented Students

K-2 News (C Block)

Welcome back to 2024 and if you are a family, welcome to Woodland Road Public School from the K-2 team! We have had a busy start to the term in K-2!  

Kindergarten: What a wonderful start to Kindergarten at Woodland Road in 2024. The P&C funded a beautiful sign for us on our first day. Everyone looked so grown up in the Woodland Road uniform. Parents and carers waved us goodbye, there were a few tears, but we went inside the classrooms ready to make lots of friends and begin our learning journey. Since that day, we have already come so far. The reports from the Best Start Assessment have shown that many students are already improving their learning in Literacy and Numeracy. Routines have been established and the students are mixing well with their classmates and the whole school population in the playground. Well done to all the Kinder students and their families for a successful beginning.

Stage 1 (Year 1/2):  Stage 1 classes have been busy kicking off the year with phonics, reading, writing and maths! Amazing artwork is beginning to pop up around the classes and some fantastic bookwork! We’ve begun the year by reading quality texts such as ‘Welcome to Country’, ‘I’m Australian Too’ and ‘Peggy’! Reading groups is up and running across the classes and students are beginning to make some positive gains and progress in their reading. Essential Assessment allowed us to begin the year in maths and we’ve been using our counting skills, knowledge of 10 and shape patterns to build on what we already know. Well done to all our Year 1 and Year 2 students for a positive start to 2024.A reminder that any green notes sent home are to be sent back to the classroom teacher, providing a reason for absence OR lateness, signed by a parent/carer. This allows teachers to carry out their legal obligations in recording attendance. We thank you for your consistent support.