Sport News

Wow! Thank you and well done for everyone their efforts in PE and sport lately.
Foundation students have been working through a variety of hand eye co-ordination activities in a small circuit in the Mercy Centre. They have been improving their throwing and catching skills and practising fundamental movement skills.
Grade 1/2 students have been warming up with stretching and yoga, and then learning a variety of games where you play as a team. They have all been playing with fairness and displaying what it means to be a ‘Good Sport’.
Grade 3/4/5/6 have set personal benchmarks in a variety of exercises and activities, and will aim to improve these each term. They also learnt about what a HIIT session is, and completed a small workout.
Round Robin Tennis Tournament
Last Wednesday, 6 students represented Sacred Heart at a Round Robin Tennis competition in Shepparton. Congratulations and well done to Mia S, Eva H, Isabelle S, Alby B, Leo N and Kurtley F who all played fairly and competitively.
Good Sports Award
Last week’s winner of the Good Sports trophy was Ingrid Spedding. Ingrid always participates in PE to the best of her abilities and set some fantastic results in her benchmark activities and exercises. Well done!
Mr. Nilbett
Physical Education & Health