
LOTE, Performing Arts, Physical Education, STEM and Visual Arts.


It was so lovely to see so many students celebrating Indonesian language and culture at our open night! We are really getting into the swing of things now, with prep students practising counting up to ten and identifying colours. The junior school have also been looking at the sport sepak takraw and got to see what the ball looks and feels like. Year 1 and 2 students have been counting up to 50, and have been working on identifying numbers out of sequence.

Year 3 and 4 students have been learning to discuss their daily activities on an average school day, and talk about the four Indonesian times of day (morning/middle of the day/afternoon/evening) that these activities normally occur. They have also looked at how a school day looks in Indonesia, and are starting to compare similarities and differences.

In Year 5 and 6, students have been looking at different islands in Indonesia and exploring some of their geographical features (e.g. rainforests, volcanoes). They have also been working on different strategies for translating and gaining meaning from short Indonesian texts.

Bu Grogan
Bu Grogan






Visual Arts

All year levels have been excelling in their units this term, showcasing dedication and enthusiasm for learning. A special mention goes to the Year 3 and 4 students, who displayed remarkable perseverance, patience, resilience, and problem-solving skills during their sewing skills lab this week. Their commitment to mastering new skills and overcoming challenges is truly commendable. It's inspiring to see such young learners tackling tasks with such maturity and determination. Keep up the fantastic work, everyone!

Mrs Baum
Mrs Baum








Performing Arts

It has been wonderful to see how engaged all the students have been in Performing Arts! In Years 3/4 and 5/6 we have expanded on our understanding of musical notes to ‘the musical alphabet’ and how this is used to play tuned instruments. Some of the students learned to play Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes on the glockenspiel and perform this for their peers.

Preps and Year 1/2 have also looked at tuned and untuned instruments and how they can differ in the way they are played and the pitch able to be created. They have learned about dynamics (loud and soft sounds) and how changes in dynamics creates more interesting music.


We are now moving into some Drama activities, including mime and how we can use our bodies and facial expressions to communicate various scenarios and actions. 


We also have a whole school dance incursion for Harmony Day, which will be on Wednesday 27th March. There will be a performance assembly at 2:45pm for all parents to attend also. Information is up on Compass now.

Mrs Legge
Mrs Legge