Year 5 & 6

Around our level

On Tuesday students participated in the first of four STEM lessons with Nicki Rogers from Monash University. This was an invaluable experience as students worked in a collaborative manner by pulling and building cups together to build standing structures. This activity enhanced students' teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. Students learnt to share ideas, allocate tasks, and adapt their approach based on group dynamics. Many smiles and laughs were shared by all! 


Keep reading to learn about the students’ thoughts on the lesson.


​​I really enjoyed having Nicki at our school. She taught us how important it is to work as a team and what teamwork really is. I also liked all the planning she made us do as it shows that she likes to be organized. I learnt a lot about solar power that I would not have known before the lesson. I think the solar powered cars are going to turn out really cool.  I'm really excited for the next couple of weeks to have Nicki at Yarra Road.



I enjoyed how creative she was on the project and how she told us what she did when working as a virtual and non virtual teacher/scientist. I loved the way she treated us really nicely and she helped us when we needed help so I really liked Nicki and I hope next time we can learn more cool things.



I learnt that working together makes everything work more smoothly than if you were by yourself. I also learnt that we could be the future of solar paneled cars. We  had to work together to stack six cups into a pyramid. It was very hard but by the end we had got the hang of it and it was fun. Most of the time we were annoyed because we could not get the cup on top and it just kept falling onto the table and making everyone frustrated. We all had a say in making our car for future weeks. We had an idea that we could make Taylor Swift's limo.



I learnt that when you're by yourself you can't do it. It's really hard but when you work together as a team and you spread out around the table it is easier to stack the cup. When you try to stack cups you get very frustrated. The last cup on top is very hard to get on the stack/tower.



I liked planning and learning new things about solar power. It was a really interesting topic and I'm excited to learn more. I loved working as a team as well and how this project helped you learn as a team. I want to thank Nicki because she was an awesome teacher and I can't wait to learn more with her in the science room!




I loved learning about solar panels and stuff like that. I usually prefer learning about chemicals but this was so cool.The best thing ever was the NO HANDED CUP STACK CHALLENGE. It was SOO fun.  I loved this science class. Thank you Nicki for that wonderful lesson.



I mostly enjoyed the no hand cup stack where four people would grab one piece of string on an elastic band and we had to pull the string to put the elastic band around the cups. Then we had to stack them in a pyramid like shape. It required a lot of teamwork.



I liked the no hand cup stack challenge because we got to work as part of a team. And when my team and I did it I realised if we were yelling at each other we wouldn't be able to stack the cups. And then when we didn't yell at each other and we stacked the cups carefully.



Firstly, we got to name our group and choose who was in our group of four. In my group there is: Eva, Sophie and Zoe. Our group name is The Teletubbies. Then, we did a challenge where we had to stack cups without using our hands by using a rubber band and string attached to the rubber band. Lastly, we discussed as a group what solar power is and presented it to the class. I absolutely loved that lesson and I can't wait until next week to do it again. Nicki is so nice and even helped us when we were struggling in the cup challenge by moving the cups closer! I enjoyed the groups and getting to choose our roles.



My group and I did a  no hands cup challenge where you could only touch the string. You're not allowed to touch the elastic  bands  at the other end. I learnt more about solar panels.




We had to unstack and stack cups as a team  but we had to use a rubber band and 5 pieces of string. We couldn't touch the cups.



I learnt that you need to work together with your team to help you win. I love doing the cup thing where you have a rubber band and string and you try to stack the cups up. We did it but another team did it before us. Even though we didn't win, I still had fun this week in science.



We had to answer questions, and do this task, where you had a rubber band with strings on it. You had to pull the strings to make the band wider to grab a cup. Overall I think it was really fun, and can't wait to build the solar powered car.



I learnt that working together is much easier when you communicate with each other in a positive way. I enjoyed working together in the cup game, trying to stack them using a rubber band and strings.



Yesterday, we learnt about solar power and how solar panels  absorb light from the sun and that makes electricity. It was very fun learning about how solar panels work. We also did some team work of stacking the cups to make a tower.



Celebrating our Students

Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a certificate of acknowledgment. The below student's certificates will be presented at our next assembly. 


56A - Mrs Freene

Ryan S

For sharing his creative ideas when writing a persuasive story.


Max A

For displaying that he is a kind and caring friend.


56B - Miss Dixon 

Charlie E

For putting a huge effort into creating interesting and engaging persuasive and narrative writing pieces. Great work!


56C - Mrs Haysom

Cooper S

For an excellent start to the year.


Ollie D

For an amazing act of kindness while in Their Care.

Mrs Freene
Miss Dixon
Mrs Haysom
Mrs Freene
Miss Dixon
Mrs Haysom