Principal Message

Dear Families:


OGPS Day: This Friday is OGPS Day! It is a time to reflect and celebrate all the great things about our school from the students to teachers and families, our education programs, facilities and so much more. We encourage the students to wear an extra touch of school blue eg: hair tie, ribbon, wristband, shoes, socks – be creative!


Simone Shanahan: Last night at School Council, we celebrated and said thank you to Simone for her leadership as President for the last 5 years and member for over 9 years. Simone has provided advice, knowledge, expertise and solid leadership of the council. On behalf of the community, THANKS Simone! 


School Council Nominations: We are still calling for one more nominations for council. If you are keen to support the school, add value and be involved, reach out for a nomination form via the office ASAP! The first meeting for new School Councillors will be in March which means there will only be 7 meetings for them this year! Again, a huge thank you to retiring members… Louise Daniels, Aimee Chambers, Greg Pascoe-Leahy, Robyn Jackson and Simone Shanahan for your work as councillors and hope the new team can continue the work you have done. 


Curriculum Day: Last Friday staff were thoroughly engaged with Psychologist Andrew Fuller. We learnt more about the brain, how it works, neuroplasticity, and shared ideas and strategies on how we can improve what we already do. Andrew shared the importance of sleep and downtime for all of us. I encourage families to research more about the importance of sleep in relation to student growth and learning. It is also important for us as adults too. Andrew is always an engaging presenter with a clear purpose to assist us as educators in doing a better job with students. Thanks to Andy McNeilly and Ryan Baltetsch for their organising of the day. 


Student Free Days: Usually around Curriculum Days I have a few conversations with families or hear “there are conversations out in the community” as to the purpose of them and why and when etc… 


The Education Department’s policy ( states  “Each year school councils may schedule up to 5 student-free days (when student instruction does not occur) for professional development, school planning and administration, curriculum development and student assessment and reporting.


School councils may only schedule the student-free days subject to the following requirements:

  • the first day of Term 1 each year must be a student-free day in all government schools to allow for appropriate planning to take place for the arrival of students
  • one student-free day is to be nominated for assessment and reporting
  • school councils have the flexibility to schedule 2 additional student-free days based on local school needs
  • if the principal determines to hold a common professional practice day (PPD) for teachers at the school, school councils will also schedule an additional, fifth student-free day, for use as a common PPD.”

As part of our planning, we attempt to hold these pupil free days adjacent to a weekend, but it may be dependent on the presenter we are trying to access, or the availabilities of another school we may visit etc. At the end of the day, we are trying to improve our staff knowledge to add value to the work they currently do with your children. And we will attempt to have onsite care available from Camp Australia on these days too.


Illness: While the start of the year has been outstanding, we continue to have a number of students and staff experiencing various illnesses. We will be keeping the rooms as ventilated as possible and have air purifiers on. Please continue to encourage good hygiene in our young people. 


Have a great week everyone.


Scott McCumber
