OGPS BYO iPad Program

Dear families,


As you see and hear about more students bringing their own iPad to school, you may have questions about our school’s BYO iPad program. Or perhaps you didn’t know it was actually a program at all! The information below has been designed to fill in those gaps and bring you up to speed with our vision about iPads and the use of digital tools at OGPS.


Last year we developed some documents for families that outline all of the aspects of our school’s BYO iPad program. The main document is in the form of a FAQ. We have a page dedicated to the program on our school website. See link below.


Digital Learning @ OGPS:  https://www.ogps.vic.edu.au/index.php/digital-learning/


This information answers questions such as ‘Why iPads?’ to ‘How does my child download apps?’ and ‘What happens if I don’t send an iPad to school with my child?”


At OGPS, we aim to inspire our families and community to want to send an iPad to school with their child. We see the device as another learning tool to add to our kit, just like the pencil was added all those many, many years ago.


If you have any further questions about the program, please don’t hesitate to ask at the office or contact your child’s classroom teacher. I am also available through Seesaw Messages.


Rick Kayler-Thomson (Mr KT)