Head of Curriculum

Mr Anthony Bochrinis

Parent-Teacher Interviews 

Mr Bochrinis
Mr Bochrinis

Parent-Teacher Interviews are fast approaching, and we encourage families of Year 7 and Year 12 students, as well as those new to our school in Years 8 to 11, to book their sessions now. This is an excellent opportunity for students to also engage in conversations about their learning journey. Check your nominated email address for the invitation, and note the following dates:

•  In-Person Interviews: Thursday, 7 March, from 4pm to 8pm. Bookings close 5 March.

•  Online Interviews via Remote Access: Wednesday, 13 March, from 4pm to 8pm. Bookings open 8 March.

All students are encouraged to be in attendance to these interviews to be a part of the conversation about their learning. Students attending should be in school uniform. 

Year 11-12 Course Changes Deadlines

The deadline for requesting changes to Year 11 ATAR/APEx courses for Semester One has now passed. For Year 12 ATAR/APEx courses, changes must be completed by Friday 22 March, as per the School Curriculum and Standards Authority guidelines.

Legendary Learners Hub

Year 12 students and their families now have access to the Legendary Learners Hub on SEQTA. This tailored online resource aids in academic planning, with valuable tools for ATAR and APEx courses:

•   Past assessments for ATAR and APEx pathways are available, including marking keys and sample scripts.

•   A detailed marks book is provided to help students track their progress towards the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).

•   Customised study strategies are included to enhance learning outcomes. 


We recommend that students start by arranging their study areas at home to foster a suitable learning environment. For APEx students, please remember that the Externally Set Tasks (EST) are just nine weeks away. ATAR students should also be aware that Semester One examinations will commence in 10 weeks. The long weekend might just be the time to check out the Legendary Learners Hub if you have not already done so. 


NAPLAN Assessment Dates

The NAPLAN assessments for Year 7 and 9 students are scheduled to take place during the first two periods on the following dates, with students using their laptops:

  • Wednesday, 13 March: NAPLAN Writing

•             Thursday, 14 March: Catch-up for NAPLAN Writing (Absentees)

•             Friday, 15 March: NAPLAN Reading

•             Monday, 18 March: NAPLAN Language Conventions

•             Tuesday, 19 March: NAPLAN Numeracy

•             Wednesday, 20 March to Thursday, 21 March: NAPLAN Catch-up (Absentees)


If you have any curriculum queries or concerns, do please reach out to me via SEQTA

Mr Anthony Bochrinis

Head of Curriculum