From the Principal

When the STARS shone BRIGHT!

Congratulations to all our students who did their BEST with each event they participated in during our 2024 Twilight Sports on Thursday. Our house teams cheered their hearts out as they supported their team with great spirit and exuberance. This is always one of our special annual events and this year's sports did not disappoint. 



BIG thanks to Lulli and Giuliana for all their coordination. The event was so well organised thanks to their efforts. Special thanks to our staff for their support to ensure the sports was run safely and was a great success.


What a perfect evening we had for this great community gathering. It was wonderful to see our families gather and enjoy the evening.  A huge thanks to our P&F for organising the sausage sizzle. It was great to see so many new parents help out with the set up and pack up. You are extra spec STARS!!



Congratulations to BOSCO who won this year's Twilight Sports.

Congratulations to MacKillop the winners of the School Spirit Award.

Congratulations to Andi for winning the Year 6 Gift as our fastest Year 6 runner.


Holy Week at St Francis de Sales


The students from Foundation to Year 6 will participate in a Holy Week Prayer service.

Parents are invited to join us in the hall on Wednesday 27 March at 9:10am - 10:10am

Parents Teacher Interviews - Bookings now open 

Wednesday, 27th March from 2.00 pm or RE (Rozeta/Eileen) Thursday, 21st March


Bookings can be made via our School App 

  • click on the 3 dots 
  • scroll down to School Interviews
  • scroll down to white box and enter code (see below)
  • press go
  • select time slot

Enrol Now for Prep 2025 at St Francis de Sales


If you have a child (sibling) due to start school in 2025, please submit your enrolment application by Friday 15 March 2024. Thanks to the many parents who have already submitted their application.


We will be completing interviews for siblings wishing to commence school at St Francis de Sales in 2025 this term. 


Please inform neighbours and friends who will have a child eligible to start school in 2025 to book a tour. We have tours nearly every morning at 9 am. We will be commencing interviews for new families at the start of Term 2.


Help promote our school and share stories of the great learning and extra curricula  opportunities we provide. 


Word of mouth stories about our great school community is the BEST promotion.



This year's NAPLAN (National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy) is to be conducted in Term 1.  The formal test window for NAPLAN 2024 will be 13th

- 25th March.

  • Wednesday 13 March Writing (Paper Year 3, Online Year 5)
  • Thursday 14 March Reading (Online Year 3 & 5)
  • Friday 16 March Language Conventions (Online Year 3 & 5)
  • Monday 19 March Numeracy (Online Year 3 & 5)
  • 20-25 March Catch up testing

Parents should note that catch up opportunities for the writing test can only be scheduled for students in Year 3, in the case of student absences. Catch up writing tests are only allowable in Year 5 if there is a disruption to the test due to technological issues. NAPLAN tests are conducted online for all subjects, except for Writing in Year 3, which is conducted on paper.


School Advisory Council

  • Christine White the Principal (ex officio)
  • Fr Fabian Smith the Parish Priest (ex officio) (custodian of mission)
  • Angela Faiola  the deputy Principal (ex officio)
  • Rozeta Ambrose Religious Education Leader / Parishioner
  • Brooke Mole President parent of Year 6 students.
  • Sharon McNulty Deputy President parent of Year 5 student
  • Brad Jackson Maintenance Team Coordinator/Parent of Year 6 student
  • Courtney Thursfield Parent of Year 5 student
  • Shivanthi Perera Parent of Year 6 student

Expression of Interest

Expression of Interest in writing is invited from parents interested in joining the St Francis de Sales School Advisory Council. Please email by Thursday 14 March 2024.

When making this appointment we will keep in mind the need for a balance of gender, cultural diversity and skill sets in forming the council. With the vast number of current School Advisory Council parent members with children in the senior part of the school, we are seeking to make this appointment from a parent with a child in Foundation, Year 1 Year 2 , Year 3 or Year 4.

School Photos

2024 School Fees 

Statements / Invoice were sent home this week. 

Please check your child's school bag.


Do you have one of these cards?


CSEF—Camp, Sports and Excursion Fund)


If you do, you may be eligible for $150 for each of your children from the government to go towards your swimming fees, excursion fees or camp fees.


It’s easy—just fill out the CSEF form available from the school office and present your current Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card and we will do the rest for you.


Applications should be completed and lodged with us as soon as possible in Term 1. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card, you may be eligible for CSEF. This allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. 


Catholic Schools Guide

To assist your decision making in relation to your child's Secondary Education, please find below a link to the March 2024edition of the Catholic Education Guide.


Go the Pies in 2024!!


Christine White
