Student Engagement

Wangarang is open for business and some fabulous representatives from Stage 6 have been visiting. Working hard and making new friends, Wangarang Industries offers a supported and inclusive workplace that focuses on the needs of the individuals that keep the place ticking over. 


Wangarang undertakes several activities that employ the talents of employees with a disability. Our students have been assisting Wangarang staff in the destruction of documents and processing hardware kits for hardware installation. 


Jai, Jackson, Dayle and Daniel have all been wonderful examples of curiosity and engagement with Wangarang employees. Making conversation with everyone and working together to form an effective production line. 


A big shout out to Janet at Wangarang who is always so gracious and caring with our students - showing them the ropes with patience. We can't wait for more Wangarang Work Experience!


Liam Low

Engagement Officer