Community News

Useful Websites
Department of Education and Training: Information for Parents -
Brimbank City Council: Events -
Melton City Council: Events -
eSafety Commissioner: Parents -
Jackson School Website -
Parent Drop-Off and Pick-up
Staff are allocated in the morning and afternoon to keep traffic moving. The vehicle entry gates are opened automatically from 8:40am. Parents/Carers are responsible for the supervision of their children until 8:45am. We are unable to open the school grounds before 8:45am due to staffing and supervision requirements. As per DE policy, schools are required to supervise students on school grounds 10 minutes before the start of the school day (8:50-9:00am) and 10 mins after school (2:50-3:00pm).
We ask all family members entering the car park at this time to keep moving through the drop off and collection zone and not to park in the centre thoroughfare or block the entry gate. Many families park in the neighboring streets around the school and walk into the school grounds to collect your children from the school. We appreciate this and understand this is difficult like at most schools. This supports us in reducing traffic congestion onto Mulhall Drive. The electronic vehicle entry gates are open throughout the school day. We understand many families are having to get to the school very early to collect your children to avoid this congestion. We encourage all students to remain at school until the end of the day. We have strengthened our early collection of students policy in line with the new child safe standards.
Over the last few years our parent drop off and pick-up of students from school has more than doubled. Like most neighbourhood schools, we do not have adequate parking facilities for all staff, visitors and parents/carers. Our pick up and drop off zone can only allow for up to 18 parked cars. We also have limited car parking for the 120 staff at Jackson School. It is a traffic offence for cars to be parked over the public footpath and obstruct oncoming traffic any public road. We do not have authority to change parking or traffic management systems around our school. Thank you for your ongoing support.