Primary Community News

Foundation (Prep-Year 2)
We have been exploring our inquiry topic, ‘Me and Our Families’, by looking at what we like to play with, what colours we like, and who is in our class at school. In literacy, we have been enjoying the adventure of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. This has connected to our numeracy exploration as we explore days of the week and counting by bringing the story to life. In Play, we have been learning about turn-taking and waiting. Prep B has also loved creating amazing artwork in their art sessions with Ane, exploring science in STEM with Kieran, and moving their bodies in GMP with Jack and Janine.
Well done to Prep B!
Lower Primary (Years 3-4)
The Lower Primary team have made playdoh. We had lots of fun reading the instructions, measuring out the ingredients and mixing them all together to make the playdoh. We got to choose what colour the playdoh was going to be by voting. Here are some photos of our playdoh making day.
Upper Primary (Years 5-6)
Upper Primary students have been learning about place value and using base ten blocks to identify the ones, tens, hundreds and thousands in a number. They are also learning about the days of the week and telling time to the hour, half-hour and quarter of an hour with the interactive clock.
In Inquiry, students have also been learning about past, present and future, how change impacts our lives and how things around them have changed over time, including themselves.
Students are now preparing for and looking forward to our 2-week intensive swimming lessons which commence next week!
Primary Students of the Week