School Council Report

FPS Council Report – February Meeting

FPS Council met on Monday 19 February, which is the final time for the current Council. Two parents are finishing their tenure prior to the March meeting. See Paul’s section of the newsletter for the announcement of the newest nominees to Council.


In the meeting, we were not short on discussion topics as there were a couple of items that rolled over from 2023, as well as some feedback that required consideration.


We met with TeamKids to discuss feedback received over the holiday program and the first few weeks of school. We also discussed feedback from parents about the Year 6 commemorative hoodies. School Council will continue to consider these matters in the coming meetings.


We approved the Annual Implementation Plan for 2024 (as detailed in the last newsletter), Council and Subcommittee meeting dates, and all finance records and budgets over the past few months.


On the social side of things, we hope you enjoyed the Welcome Picnic! We are glad the heat and torrential rain stayed away this time. The Social Club has put together a 2024 calendar of social events and shortly there will be a call out for coordinators, so please think about getting more involved in the school community with these events.


We are also looking for musical parents for a new School Band! Double Denim are folding up the jeans this year and they need YOU to take over (see the corresponding item in this newsletter). We’ve been assured there is not a lot of joint rehearsal time, it is LOTS of fun, and the whole school community loves supporting the FPS parent band – so get on board!


The next Council meeting will be on Monday 25th March, which will start with the Annual General Meeting (AGM), held from 6 – 6:30pm. Come along for the AGM and meet the outgoing and incoming members!


~ Nat King, FPS School Council Secretary