What is an Advisory?

"One student at a time in a community of learners"

An Advisory is a small community within the Big Picture Academy that consists of around 17 students and a single Advisory teacher. Students remain in their Advisory throughout their time in Big Picture. This is so they will get to know and understand each other and the Advisory teacher very well, and vice versa. In this way, Advisory's become great support systems where every student is unique, but not alone.


Students start and finish each school day in Advisory with check-in and check-out sessions. The Advisory is the student’s learning community at school, with its own name, culture, and personality. Students are encouraged to become respectful, caring, and productive members of their Advisory.


The Advisory is a place for students to be exposed to a wide range of ideas, interests, skills, and experiences. It is the Advisory teacher’s chance to guide, inspire, provoke, bond, organise and make the Learning Goals come to life.


In 2024, we have a Year 11 Advisory led by Advisor Miss Robson. The students in the Advisory have begun the IBPLC Senior Graduation Portfolio which will enable them to receive a Credential at the end of year 12 in 2025.