Deputy Principal

School Spirit
Yesterday there were two significant events that brought the College together where our School Spirit was in full force. At Sydney Olympic Park our Annual House Years 7-12 Athletics Carnival was held, while on Breen Oval our Stage 3 students participated in their Cross Country Carnival. Bringing our students together to participate and compete in College events is so important. At the Athletics Carnival, our Year 12 leaders ensure that all the students get involved. You do not have to be the best at any one particular event.
Our Senior students encourage everyone to get involved, whether it be on the track or in the field or indeed in the stands. Seeing our students cheer on their mates or just boys in their colour house epitomises the depth of respect that our students have for the College House system. One of the highlights of the day is always listening to the competitive nature of the College war cries. It really bonds our students together. While the students have a genuine respect for each other, most evident when they have their house colour shirts on and the war cries are going, friends become opponents for those few minutes in a spectacle not to be missed.
On Breen Oval it was an opportunity for our Stage 3 students to enjoy a morning running the cross-country course. For our Year 5 students this was the first time on the course and there were some strong results with a lot of our students getting competitive at an early age.
For our Year 6 students they were able to lead the way both on the track and with their cheering. While it was a familiar course for them around the College, it was great to see all the students getting involved and showing off their School Spirit.
Thank you to Mr Boggs and Mr Locke for all their work organising both carnivals and to all our amazing staff for facilitating the running of these carnivals.
Adrian Byrne
Deputy Principal