Learning and Curriculum Primary - Stage 3

Today our Year 5 students sat the first of four NAPLAN tasks. Our aim is to keep this week as normal as possible, with students completing the NAPLAN tasks in Period 1 and 2 (Thursday only), then continuing with their regular classes as normal. At St Patrick’s College, we use the data obtained from NAPLAN alongside the Academic Assessment Services data to monitor student progress over time and as a result, provide intervention and enrichment as needed. Please make sure your son's device is charged each night and that he brings headphones for all NAPLAN assessments.
Class Spotlight
5 Orange
We have been learning about adaptations in Science. Adaptations occur when you get used to something over time like a polar bear having thick fur coats to keep them warm – Joseph K
In Religion, we have learnt that Lent started on Ash Wednesday. During Lent we try to fast, pray and do nicer things for other people – James G and Joseph E
In Maths we have learnt lots of different strategies for addition and subtraction like levelling, the bar model and constant difference. It is good to know these strategies, but lots of us like to use the algorithm – Daniel T
6 Orange
We are learning about the Stations of the Cross which tell the story of how Jesus died, from how he was sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate all the way to how he was crucified on the cross – Greg G
We recently completed our catapult experiment. We followed the process of making a draft of what we hoped our model would look like, then we had two weeks to design it. Our experiments were fair and accurate – Luca C
Daniel Fields Sarah Tatola
Head of Curriculum (Stage 3) Head of Teaching and Learning (Stage 3)