From the Principal

Leila Mattner 

2024 Senior Leaders and Junior Voice Committee Leader

This morning, we installed our 2024 leaders. Congratulations to these dedicated children, including all of our Seniors, who will serve as leaders of St Paul Lutheran School in 2024.

We also installed our Junior Voice Committee representatives for 2024:

Year 3: Sienna Thomas & Alonzo Nhim

Year 4: Mishka Fedojuk & Naman Sharma

Year 5: Mya Richter & Krrish Bansal

Year 6: Thomas Awad & Elyssa Addo

It was a pleasure to see so many families join us for the occasion – we look forward to a fabulous year!


Parent Meet and Greet and Information Nights Feedback

Our aim at the beginning of 2024 was to encourage more connection points for families with us here at school. We began the year with a parent-teacher meet and greet opportunity, and then parent information sessions in Week 4. I would love to hear from you about how you found these events as a way to connect with your child’s teacher, gather important information for the year, and see the classroom. Connection and communication are very important, as we work together in partnership for your child’s learning. Please email me directly at with any of your thoughts.