

This morning at Chapel, our school community joined together to celebrate and welcome our 2024 student leaders as our School Captains, Community Leaders, Senior Leaders and Junior Voice Committee were installed into these positions of leadership, trust and service. There are many theories about what makes a good leader; leaders should be people who have vision and passion, they should have the capacity to inspire others, have integrity, curiosity, and compassion. Leadership isn’t just about being the boss, it’s a quality that shines through in all aspects of life. The Bible is full of lessons on leadership. It emphasises qualities like humility, service to others and moral integrity as key characteristics of true leaders. 


Leadership really isn’t a new concept; there have always been leaders, but when Jesus came along, the concept of leadership changed dramatically. Jesus himself set the ultimate example of leadership in the bible. He didn’t seek to be served, but to serve others – a significant shift from conventional wisdom on leading. 


Matthew 20:26-28 says it best: “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant…just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.”


Heavenly Father, thank you for these young people who today were installed into positions of leadership here at St Paul. We thank you for their willingness to serve you and our school community. Help them carry out the role that has been committed to them, to your honour and praise, and for the wellbeing of our school.  We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Submitted by Bec Mattner