First Aid Update

ENPS Defibrillator 

The School Council of Essendon North Primary School recently sought approval to purchase a defibrillator, and this has now been installed for the safety and wellbeing of our school community, together with the external providers that utilise the gym. 


Our defibrillator has been installed in the gym for access during whole school events and is easily accessible in an alarmed cabinet. The defibrillator has been installed near the mounted first aid kit as you enter the gym, near the first aid supplies and general use EPIPEN®. Instructions for use are located in the cabinet and on the sticker on the wall, and our staff spent time during their first aid training this week to refamiliarize themselves with the operating procedures. 


Special thank you to our School Nurse Kiera and Joseph from Grounds and Maintenance for their support to organise and install this resource for our community.