Lost Property

Lost Property

Our Lost Property area has been upgraded and is now located in the foyer near classrooms 4HC and 3SM (in between the sliding glass door and the office). Clothing on the shelves is sectioned by size and the basket holds lost property to be sorted. 


Thank you to all families who have ensured their children’s uniforms have been clearly labelled - all uniform items that are clearly labelled will be returned. ENPS encourages students to be responsible and care for their uniform, bags and lunch containers, and to locate missing items in the lost property in a timely manner before a staff member needs to do this job.


Please name all your clothing and if searching through Lost Property, please ensure you collect your own uniform.


Some handy tips for labelling items:

  • use a thin permanent marker so the name is clearly identifiable and doesn't wash off or bleed together and blur
  • ensure it has first name and surname initial, or first initial and surname - with over 6 students at ENPS there are a lot of with the same name!
  • iron-on patches or stitching in names works really well
  • try to put their name on multiple places on the item
  • containers need names on the tops and bottoms
  • name everything - you would be surprised just what ends up in lost property!