Classroom News

Buddy Program

Year 6 Strength Posters

As part of our Start Up program & Wellbeing in Year 6, students tuned into the personal strengths of themselves and others. They created silhouette portraits displaying their strengths. Students considered how these strengths and personal qualities help them to be successful across various aspects of life, such as at school, home and in the community. These amazing artworks are on display outside the year 6 classrooms. We hope you enjoy reading some of our paragraphs. 


Evelyn 6A

I have a variety of strengths that help me with my learning and community work, and even at home. But one of my favourite strengths is kindness as it builds relationships, makes people smile and it makes my day brighter. Seeing this makes me so happy. And I show this by helping people across the road, smiling at people when I pass, letting people go in front of me. Little things are big things.


Noah S 6A

I am resilient and strong. I do not give up and that is because of my character strengths. My character strengths help me with lots of different tasks in a range of different places such as home, school and in the community. One of my favourite character strengths is creativity. Creativity can help you in many subjects including Art, Writing and Performing Arts - being able to think of a range of ideas that others would not even dream of. This is also called imagination. Imagination means roughly the same thing. Imagination means the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts, of external objects not present to the senses. If you even have a drop of creativity, you can gain countless possibilities and endless ideas. That is why creativity is the best strength to have.


Heidi 6M

Strengths are personality traits specific to a person that helps them be successful in many different ways. My strengths help me around my community and in lots of aspects in my life, some of them include being inclusive, collaborative, caring and passionate. At school, I am a curious learner which helps me find something I like about our topic, and to extend myself. I am also very inclusive, making sure everyone feels welcome as I don’t like it when people are sad or feel left out. In my community, if I see something like homeless people or rubbish around, I’m very passionate about making a change by volunteering or raising money. This is important to me because I believe that everyone is equal, including our earth, and people who are not as lucky as us. If someone in my family is having a tough time, I listen to them, give them a hug or make them laugh to show I care. I really like cheering people up, as it makes you feel there is one less frown in the world because of you. I am also a great leader in general, making sure everyone stays on track in group tasks, and I listen to everyone's ideas. Strengths are very important, and are there to be projected on others, and embraced. They work together to help to make you, you!


Lucas 6M

I have many strengths that help me in my life, including being Creative, Organised and Helpful. My organisation skills are very helpful in my daily life when keeping track of a schedule or knowing where things are, and at school to map out my work very neat and tidy. Being a creative person helps me at home when I create art, which is my 2nd favourite hobby. It also is extremely useful if I'm coming up with something to do at home, maybe a game. Being a kind and thoughtful person helps me make good relationships with my peers, such as people in my tennis team. Speaking of my tennis team, being collaborative helps me when we do doubles together. Helpfulness can make me extremely accommodating so I can help my friends and other students to understand tasks. Overall, these strengths help me have a healthy and successful life.


Year 5 Students Fundraiser

Hello Parents and Carers,

We are Sophie, Eloise and Grace P from year 5. We are doing a fundraiser for the RSPCA. We will donate to the caretakers of the animals. If you are not familiar with the RSPCA it is a charity and they  help injured or hurt animals. They provide shelter and care for these animals and when they have to, find them a new home. We are raising money to donate by selling heshi bracelets for $1, necklaces for $2 (because we have a limited stock) and coloured plaits for $1.50which includes us putting them in your hair. Your child can only buy 2 items.You can see the braids in the images provided. Your child can only get one if they have consent from you because they can stay in for a long time, but it is mainly dependent on how well they take care of their hair. All of the proceedings will go towards the RSPCA. We will come around in the next couple weeks selling our products and taking bookings for hair plaits at recess and lunchtime.Under here is a schedule but we will announce it on the loudspeaker when it is their go to get them because the schedule is hard to understand. We hope you can help us donate to the animals!

DayAudience/Actual ThingTime of day
7th of MARCH - Thursday5’s and 6’s Selling and Hair plaiting

Recess - Selling

Lunch - Plaiting

8th of MARCH - Friday3’s and 4’s Selling and Hair Plaiting Recess - Both
11th of March - MondayLABOR DAYLABOR DAY
12 of MARCH - TuesdaySelling and plaiting for PrepsBefore lunch and possibly through lunch.
13th of MARCH - WednesdayEveryone, but 2’s, 3’s and 4’s are priority Recess