Student Awards

Congratulations to all of our hard working students!

Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 23.2.24 Student of the week is awarded to..



Mrs G

For always using her listening ears and participating in group discussions. Keep up the beautiful work!


Miss Santilla

For your amazing  listening and always trying your best! Well done Charlotte! 
Julian A


Miss Accaputo

For embracing the start of year 1 with wonderment and awe. Super effort in navigating your learning, new routines and rules.
Katia C


Mrs Pettenon & 

Miss Katie

For consistently being a role model by following all school rules in all areas of learning. Great work!
Maxwell S


Miss Belanti & 

Mrs Hopper

For consistently following instructions and your commitment to maintaining focus in the classroom. Keep up the remarkable work!
Alexandra K


Miss Mihocic

For her beautiful participation in both of our Whole School Masses. Her singing was absolutely divine! 
Magdalena P


Miss Lapenta

For being such an active member of our classroom. Your participation in class discussions and being a great friend is awesome! Well Done. 
Issa A


Mrs Iuele & 

Mrs  Matzaris

For always having a positive attitude towards his work. Well done!!
Jude S


Ms Kelly

For embodying the Habits of the Mind in our classroom by balancing Humour and Striving for Accuracy to be an engaged and supportive learner. Well done!!
Rafka H


Mrs Tasevski

For her positive attitude and growth mindset.  What a great learner! Keep it up Rafka, you’re a pleasure!
Allegra V


Mrs Carey

For stepping up to her new responsibilities as a senior student with confidence. Well done Allegra! You have been a great role model already this year!
Sophie J


Mrs John

For Striving for Accuracy while working out the multiples of numbers  in Maths. Well done, Sophie!
Cassandra T


Mrs Anderson

For always having a positive attitude and getting involved in classroom discussions, asking clarifying questions and giving everything a go! Well done Cassandra. 
Eden K


Miss Lee

For consistently showing the school value of Growth in your learning this week. Great work!

Harry P


Aria M


- Years 2-6

- Year Prep-1 

For demonstrating a caring and thoughtful attitude when participating in team building and communication games in Physical Education. Well done and keep it Harry! 


For showing a positive attitude in PE and always giving things a go and trying her very best.  Great start to the year. 

Ava M (4B)


Mr Pietsch

For putting herself forward to perform a piano solo during music class. It takes a lot of courage and confidence to perform in front of others! Well done Ava!
Mikayla H (4A)


Mrs Zaffina

For being a positive class member and always trying her very best in Italian. Keep up the amazing work! Fantastico Mikayla!
Francesca A (5B)


Mrs Peel

For showing a great scientific understanding of density, You are a Science Star!
Shanel R (PB)


Mrs Garro

Great smile and attitude for learning in visual arts. Trying new experiences and working so well in the art room.

Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 1.3.24 Student of the week is awarded to..



Miss G

For helping set up our prayer space in the morning and always being ready to learn.. Keep it up!
Matteo A


Miss Santilla


For being such a helpful and caring member of our class! Well done Matteo! 
Indiana E


Miss Accaputo


For fantastic feedback during class leader speeches. Listening to others and supporting her classmates. Well done Indi. 
Zaydi H


Mrs Pettenon & Miss KV

For participating in class discussions and growing her confidence to share her ideas and great thinking!
Isaak J


Miss Mihocic

For using the habit of mind of persistence to make sure that he was on task and producing his best work. Wonderful Effort! 
Thea S


Miss Lapenta

For using the Habits of Mind ‘Persistence’ by remaining focused,  preparing and delivering an awesome Leadership speech. Well Done Thea! 
Alessandra A


Mrs Iuele & Mrs  Matzaris

For always having a big smile and a positive attitude towards her work. Well done !!
Alice G.


Ms Kelly

For seeking out challenges in your learning and supporting others when they are in the Learning Pit! Thank you for all your hard work!
Stella P


Mrs Tasevski

For her outstanding attitude to learning! What an incredible role model to all.  Keep it up Stella!
Audrey P


Mrs Carey

For using the Habit of Mind 'Persistence' to complete a great leadership speech.  Great work Audrey!
Spencer, S


Mrs John

For your positive and enthusiastic approach to all of your learning tasks. You are an amazing role model. Well done, Spencer.
Olivia P


Mrs Anderson

Her positive, enthusiastic and mature approach to all set tasks. Olivia  puts 100% into all her work.  Well done!
Harry M


Miss Lee

For using the HOM ‘Remain open to continuous learning’ this week. Well done at jumping straight back into learning after your holiday!
Erik P (4B)


- Years 3-6

- Year Prep-2 

For always striving to be the best person he can be by giving all tasks a go with a smile on his face and encouraging others throughout the lesson. Well done Erik! 
Sophie A (2B)


Mrs Zaffina

For making very good use of her Italian skills during conversations. Very impressive! Keep up the great work! Bravissima Sophie!
Michele  (1A)


Mrs Peel

For listening and following instructions, by showing he is an amazing Scientist Star!