News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents,


As a leader in a thriving Catholic school I often call on my faith to lead and guide me. In my ponderings and readings I have been able to reflect on the fact that “We are not human beings on a spiritual journey, but spiritual beings on a human journey.” ( Pierre Teilhard de Chardin). 


Our spirituality is who we are and how we live our lives. If we encounter people where they are at and accept humanity in all its forms we are able to grow closer to God. If we push the boundaries in our faith, try new things and find new ways and spaces to grow in our faith, there we will find “joy”. I place my trust in God and know that I am called to be bold and passionate!


Semester 1 Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews 

In Week 9 you will receive your child’s Semester 1 report and in Week 10 we will hold parent teacher interviews. This will give you the opportunity to discuss your child’s learning growth and progress this Semester and set new goals for Semester 2. They will be held across Week 10 with a choice of times and days available. These will be made available to you soon to book your times.


Parent Rep Meeting

Yesterday a group of parents met to discuss fundraising ideas going forward. We have some exciting plans in place that will continue to build community spirit as well as raise some much needed funds to purchase playground equipment and update playground furniture. Stay posted!







Mrs Sue Clay | Principal