Connect Program

In 2024, Wantirna College introduced our new social and emotional learning program called Connect. This support focuses on forming and sustaining positive relationships, managing and expressing student emotions, improving verbal and non-verbal communication, and building student capacity to manage behaviours and interactions with others. The work being done allows students to build a sense of pride within the College, and to share this with their peers. Through a range of hands-on learning activities and experiences to 'practice' their skills, the program aims to develop a strong sense of self awareness and improved perspective taking in our students.


During Term 2, the Connect program commenced some hands-on projects around the College, including painting the yellow lines on stairs to support vision impaired persons, beginning the refresh of the veggie garden behind K block, painting the wellbeing stairs in colours to represent diversity, and more. The 46 students involved have been working hard on these projects, and in planning for many more around the school yard. It is great to see the groups working so well together and taking pride in their work.


Courtney Moran

Social Emotional Learning