
Sport, PE & Health

Intermediate Girls Netball

Monday 13 May saw the Wantirna College Intermediate Girls’ teams competing at the Knox Regional Netball Centre. The three teams represented our College with pride and respect, and were great competitors in the 4 games against other local schools including Rowville, Upwey, Boronia and Bayswater. The day saw some incredible competition, fabulous teamwork and sportsmanship to be proud of.


Team A were unlucky not to get a win against the three Rowville teams; Team B got a win; And  Team C walked away with 4 wins.


The biggest loss on the day was the absence of our second coach, Mrs Zulfic, who unfortunately could not attend! Thank you to Gemma Van Grondelle for organising the day, and to Mr Pearson for stepping in last minute to support our teams, and buying us all Slurpees to celebrate!


Our team had such a great bond together, if something wasn't working, we would figure out a different game plan. Motivated to be out there representing the college. ~ Olivia Sangster, Team B Captain


I was incredibly proud to see our girls put in so much effort during their games, and for the attitudes they carried throughout the day.


Courtney Moran


Intermediate Boys Netball

Last Wednesday, our Intermediate Boys Netball teams attended Knox Regional Sports Centre for their Netball round robin. The boys did an incredible job throughout the say, displaying a high level of skills in a sport they don’t usually play. We saw their competitiveness come out on many occasions, particularly in the Grand Final of the day where both of our Wantirna Teams battled for First Place. 



Both teams won all their games on the day and fought down to the wire to have one of our team’s head through to the next stage. 


Big thank you to Kaitlyn Kos and Holly Thom who volunteered their time to attend and help coach the boys. We are excited to see how far they can go in the next round. 😊


Amber Thomson


Junior Boys Netball

On Tuesday 14 May, Ms Robinson and I headed out with the Year 7 and 8 Boys Netball Teams. Though it was a day of rain, hail and shine the Wantirna teams showed unwavering effort and sportsmanship to both each other and their opponents. The highlight of the day was when the Wantirna 1s and 2s came head to head with each other and the 3s were on the side-line, and were the loudest supporters we have ever had. Overall, it was a successful day out and Miss Robinson and I left proud of the teams that came out with us.


It was really great getting to go out and coach this group of boys. Our 3’s team started off by versing Rowville West. They played really well but the win slipped from us in the last quarter with the scores being 13-7. Their second game against Upwey 2’s was an amazing game with the boys coming away with an 11-0 win. Their third game was against Upwey 1’s and they had another great win with the score being 14-9. The final game was against Boronia, which they unfortunately lost 15-12 but they didn’t go down without a fight. Overall they all played amazing and had a really great day.  ~ Ashley Robinson, Student Coach


We had an amazing day at netball last Tuesday 14th May. It was very fun and amazing. Thanks to Ms Bristowe and Ms Robinson for helping us along the way. Congratulations to the One’s on making it to the next round. ~ Ben Scheltinga, Jiah Cosgrave & Harvey Waddington


Netball was very fun with my friends, the coaches were very good and helped me learn new things about netball, I really enjoyed playing and now I get to play even more because we made it to the next round. ~ Max Peters


Congratulations to the One’s who have made it through to the next round and will be playing again in Term 3.


Gemma Bristowe & Erin Robinson
