
Sport, PE & Health

Intermediate Boys Football

Last week, our Intermediate Boys football team took the field at Lewis Park reserve. The boys played 3 games against Rowville East, Rowville West and Upwey. The boys performed strongly all day with big wins over Rowville West and Upwey, however lost in a tight contest with Rowville East.  Thank you to everyone who helped out on the day!



Upwey: 1.4 10 - Wantirna: 8.6 54

Rowville East: 8. 8 56 - Wantirna: 3. 2 20

Rowville West: 1.0 6 -  Wantirna: 19.13 127


Best players: 

B. Mcmillan, B Alcock, S Pascoe, 

L Molloy & K Mertens 

Knox Division Senior AFL Boys 

On Monday 6 May, we sent our Senior Boys AFL team out to compete in the Knox Division championships. For our Year 12’s, it would be their final time representing the school for footy.  We successfully defeated Upwey and Rowville West and have now progressed through to the EMR championships in Term 3. Congratulations boys and well done on the victory! 


It was a real team effort on the day.  Despite it being 20 degrees and sunny, the dew on the ground made it tough, wet weather footy. Each player contributed to the team, and we were very pleased with how the day went.  


Matt Burleigh & Stuart Horner

Coach & Assistant Coach