Yr 7 First Science Pracs

Middle School 

Our Year 7’s have been working hard this term learning how to use all the equipment that can be found in our labs as well as mastering the use of a Bunsen Burner. Students have now sat their test and demonstrated to their teachers that they can safely use a Bunsen Buner. 


This week, 7G completed their first practical using the Bunsen Burner. The students were so excited to complete this, they couldn’t get their Bunsen Burner licenses out of their pencil cases quick enough!  The practical involved students setting up a Retort Stand and Boss head and Clamp to hold a thermometer over a beaker of plain or salted water. The water was placed on top of a tripod over their Bunsen Burners. Students then monitored the temperature of the water and took down their results over a 14 minute period to see if plain or salted water boiled quicker. (No spoilers! They haven't finalised their results.)

The next step is to master the skill of writing their practical reports. We are excited to see what they found.


Amber Thomson
