Year 11 Spirit Week

Senior School

Our Year 11's have been making awesome memories during Week 6 with a full week of activities and great vibes. As we approach the end of their first semester as VCE students, the Yr 11 Captains planned and created Spirit Week to bring the cohort closer and raise spirits 


Activities ranged from a Staff vs Student game of dodgeball to a student Trivia game, which was very competitive. The goal was to bring laughter and much needed fun to the Year 11s because we all know how tough VCE can be. 


To round off a fun filled, crazy week, Year 11s have been tasked to raise the bar by donning their wackiest hair or hat on Friday, and it’s safe to say they met the brief! 


Students can also guess the Lolly Jar - let’s just hope whoever wins the jar full of lollies does not eat it all at once!  We look forward to seeing what other great plans and ideas the Captains have for the Year 11s this year.

Hervaye Lobriza-Kalt & Surya Ganesan 

Year 11 Year Level Leaders