School Council Update  

Term 1 Working Bee

Hello EPS Community and Welcome to the end of Term 2


Thank you for stopping by our page to read our update!


Firstly, we want to provide an update on the recent grants that have been received. The school was successful in a grant for 50 native trees and plants. The students will be involved in planting and caring for the trees which are going to help to beautify the school. The school was also successful in securing a nursery voucher which will be used to purchase plants and equipment to support the school’s green efforts!


So far 65% of EPS families have paid their school fees. We’d like to remind the EPS community that these fees help to cover the cost of the learning materials that our children need in their classroom. The playground fund will be used to purchase new play equipment that will be upgraded as part of the school grounds upgrade. As it’s getting close to the end of the financial year, now is a great time to take the opportunity to claim for the optional tax-deductible fees!


We have some social events coming up for carers and parents. Keep a look out for further information on the upcoming Trivia Night!


Thank you to all of the families who have volunteered their time to support the school in classroom activities, the working bee, class excursions and the Mother’s Day stall. Your time and effort are greatly appreciated. We have another working bee planned for early Term Three. There will be a range of jobs to do to meet the interest and skill areas of all volunteers. We will also be looking for volunteers soon to support a book swap activity to occur during book week. Further information will be coming soon, please be sure to register your availability to help out.


Lastly, the school will be celebrating its 175th anniversary next year on 29th July 2025. If you are interested in coordinating a subcommittee to plan activities to celebrate this milestone, please contact our Grants Coordinator, Kerith Sharkey via email


If you wish to raise something with School Council, you can contact our President, Andrew Butler