Grade 5/6

Miss Stephan and Mr Ward, supported by Mr Reid


Information reports. Students have completed their writing piece on Australia. Our students had the choice to write about our history, animals, landscapes/geography, government and culture. Previous learning saw our students focus writing compound and complex sentences along with strong voice, sticking with our idea and organisation throughout their writing. 

Monique - Australia is a massive country, fun fact, Australia is one of the largest countries on earth! Most settlers were criminals that were sent to stay and live in Australia in 1859. 

Luka - Australia is one if the most diverse countries in the world! It has the most spectacular landscapes in the world! Australia is known for its harsh, red and deserts, hidden in one of these deserts is one of Australis most iconic landmarks, Uluru!

Harriet - Australia is a large country. It is the only country to exist in the world that makes up the whole continent. The Kookaburra is native Australian bird, and lives in the bush within either beautiful tall gum trees or fascinating eucalyptus trees.

Integrated Studies

While researching and learning about our Parliament, students are creating a sense of why the government is important to us at a local, state and federal levels. Students understand that our parliament members debate and argue to get their point across to persuade others to change or create laws. Students are practising this during our integrated studies. Students are working in teams to create their point of views and will debate against each other to prove who has the better idea. 

Some examples are below. 

Jaxen - Students should be able to go home at lunch time so they can get a good rest before a big test the next day.

Ele - Students should not be able to go home at lunch because they won't come back and will not be supervised.

Eliza - Students should be able to call their teachers by their first name because it is polite and it was the name they were given. 


Footy Clinic!

Huge thank you to Jason and Mat for organising a clinic for our students last Friday.

It was a great inclusive session with lots of fun, kicking, hand passing and goal kicking at the end. Plenty of big smiles!