Library News

"Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it. Be outrageous. Go the whole hog." -- Matilda by Roald Dahl

National Simultaneous Storytime 2024

This year's book is "Bowerbird Blues" by Aura Parker. It stars a beautiful bowerbird on the search for BLUE! It’s a moving story of longing and connection, that unfolds as the bowerbird’s search sends him soaring across the sea, sky and city. He swoops and snatches vibrant treasures for his collection, and soon his bower—a mix of natural and unnatural objects—attracts something greater and more fulfilling than he could ever have imagined.

'Check out' some of our NEW books ..

Join Tukta and her little brother Jai Dee as they make their emotional journey through the Asian rainforest on Jai Dee's first day of school.


When Fenton and his father catch the coach to Geelong, they have no idea that their driver of the team of powerful horses is the famous Edward Devine -- 'Cabbage Tree Ned' -- or of the incredible adventure that lies ahead. A breathless story of bushrangers, danger, daring and escape as Fen finds himself holding the reins of the tearaway coach.


So Ethan asked among his friends, 'Does everyone get wind?' Marty laughed, Fizz looked confused, and Sam just quietly grinned. But Little Trixie took offence. 'Girls don't fart -- okay! Only boys make bottom noise. We girls aren't built that way.' The boys just didn't believe her, and set themselves a test -- to see if girls pass wind or not.


Join a little boy and a bear as they spend a memorable, adventurous day of shared wonders, discovering and learning new things together. 


Everyone says, 'It wasn't me!' But what if it REALLY wasn't you? What if it was the monster who lives under your bed? How much trouble can one little monster cause?