Futures Week

by Tracey Seach

Year 11 Futures Week

Year 11 students participated in a number of engaging activities across the week, designed to assist them with their future planning and aspirations. 

Our Pathways Keynote Speaker was Tyson Day, with a presentation centred around understanding  career designing that has purpose and meaning whilst also understanding the importance of values in this process. Tyson is always engaging and his presentations dynamic and the students fed back really positive thoughts following it.

Understand the formula when designing a career that has purpose and meaning for you while also understanding the importance of values in this process.


Students also participated in ‘Crazy Ideas College’ which was delivered by IBM as a follow up. Year 11s explored the future world of work, clarified their talents, considered career options and identified the contribution they want to make through their careers. As part of the session, students established a ‘Future Ready Plan’ that sets out the actions they will undertake to set themselves up for  success.

Students were also able to opt into University Visits and enjoyed Deakin University, ACU and RMIT. Students gained valuable insight into each institution via guided tours, presentations and activities on site. 

Thanks to the staff for their support in running events and activities across the week!

Pathways Team