Careers News 

Year 10

Check out the photos of the Year 10 Victorian Careers Expo incursion! 

Occupational Health & Safety 

Year 10s are currently completing their OH&S training in preparation for their Work Experience – not long to go now. In the coming weeks, students will get a pack for Work Experience that will include details of their placement, a workbook to complete and copies of their OH&S certificates. Employers will also get packs of information and forms to remind them of the students' arrival and prepare them to host our kids. Those students who have not yet completed their modules and received certificates will need to get a hurry along. 

VET Certificate II in Salon Assistant 

Our students are loving their VET class - Salon Assistant which is taught by the wonderful Vicky Paladino – a past parent AND a past student! 

Vicky comes with a wealth of experience, and we are so lucky to have her. The students love being in the salon with her  - check out some of these photos of our students in action. 

VET Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics

Yesterday our VET Retail Cosmetics students had an incursion with a make up artist who bought along goody bags for each girl filled with all types of make up. Our guest speaker also talked about nutrition and what goes into our bodies, rather than just looking after the outside. The students had a great time getting all made up and practicing on each other. The energy and buzz was terrific and they all certainly looked glamorous when they left the class!


Mrs Elena Flodstrom & Ms Theresa Lochery

Careers and Pathways Team