Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends of Nazareth


There is so much going on at Nazareth at the moment. Over the past couple of weeks we have had Humanities excursions, a Year 10 Shape Your Destiny incursion, Reflection Days for Year 11s and 8s, Music Camp, Year 10 Outdoor Ed Camp, SIS Weekly Sport and Taster Days.  We also had some students representing Nazareth at the SIS Cross Country Carnival. It takes a lot of preparation by teachers to create opportunities for students to enrich their knowledge, use skills learned in class, and enhance their experiences at secondary school and I acknowledge the work that our staff do behind the scenes for our students.


It has been a very busy and blessed year so far with more going on behind the scenes at the College this year than normal.  Every four years, all schools under the MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools)  banner undergo an external review, and 2024 is our year.  There is a lot of criteria that schools have to meet and we must supply proof that we are meeting or exceeding that criteria. We are in the process of putting together the data for MACS to read before the actual review is conducted in early Term 3.  I thank Ms Claire Nailon, Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning, and Ms Tracey Burnett, Psychologist & Policies Officer, for heading up the Review team.  I would also like to invite parents/guardians/carers to contribute their opinion on how we can continue to improve the College.  Please email .


Our counsellors have settled into their new offices and our students are appreciating the new surroundings, too.  I would like to remind our students and families that we have five Child Safety Officers who can be contacted if needed.

Please be aware that all of the Nazareth College Child Safety policies are on our website. The policies are regularly reviewed and updated according to the MACS guidelines.


God Bless.


Mr Sam Cosentino
