Indonesian Food Garden 

Ian Adams 



I am interested in growing an Indonesian Food Garden at Brunswick North West Primary School, especially plants that our Indonesian teacher (Ibu Kas) can use for preparing Indonesian food, or that are significant for some other reason. I plan to do some research on what kinds of things I can grow successfully in Melbourne, and I have a few questions to help this project get started.

  • What are some of the easiest Indonesian food plants to grow in Melbourne?
  • Are there any Indonesian food plants that you have seen growing in Melbourne?
  • What are some food plants that are difficult to buy, but you think might be able to be grown (or you'd like me to find out about)?
  • Do you have some expertise in this area and have some time to talk to me about your knowledge and ideas? Do you know someone or somewhere that I should talk to?
  • Would you be interested in becoming more involved in this project (either in the research stage, or when we start designing and building the garden/s)? No expertise required!



Ian (Gardener at BNWPS and former Environmental Science teacher).