What we've been up to

New Staff Shirts
Our new staff shirts arrived last week and we are very happy with the result.
A huge thankyou goes out to Blue Dogs Sports for our new Staff shirts. We love them and they look so good.
Chappy Week
This Week is Chappy Week celebrating our wonderful Chappy Jayden and his amazing work in our school with our students. Happy Chappy Week and Thank you for your dedication and hard work.
Mother's Day Morning Tea
On Friday 10th May we held our Mother's Day morning tea for all our special mums, grandmothers, Aunties and carers in our Waterlily Cafe. We had lots of lovely ladies come and enjoy a cuppa, a chat and some beautiful food. Thank you to everyone who came to make it a success and we hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Rocky District Cross Country
We would like to wish all our Cross-Country competitors Good Luck for the upcoming Capricornia District Trials on Tuesday 4th June.
PLT 2 Design and Tech
PLT 2 have been very busy learning how our foods are grown and made in the paddocks and make it onto our plates. They have been very involved in planting produce in our garden and will be able to create their own lunchbox from their efforts. They will roast a chicken, boil some eggs and make salads from the produce they planted.
We are going to follow this journey with them each newsletter to see the progress.
First Photos just after planting.