Secondary 7

Hello Everyone,
This term Secondary 7 is working extremely well and are engaging and making awesome choices during classroom activities. We are smashing our Queensland Certificate of Indvidual Achievement goals as well the Vocational Education Training course. After every lesson we make up a PowerPoint presentation and present our learning to the class. This then gets uploaded onto Seesaw to share with our family, teachers and educational assistants.
For our hospitality course we are learning to prep, cook and present at an industrial kitchen. As part of the pathways to vocational skills course, we have been out for work experience one day per week. Earlier this term, we went out for Darumbal Story time to the Rockhampton Museum of Art and enjoyed thoroughly it.
Last week we took part in cross country and have won a Gold and Silver medal.
We are looking forward to working together for our culminating event at the end of the term.