
- Mr Benjamin Hiscock

Australian Brandenburg Orchestra - concert tonight


Free concert in the Simons Auditorium at 7pm, Thursday 16 May



Repertoire highlights to include:


CAZZATI Ciacona à from Correnti, balletti, galiarde (1659)

CORELLI 'Ciaccona', Trio Sonata in G major, Op. 2 No. 12

BRESCIANELLO Trio Sonata in C minor for violin, oboe and continuo

VIVALDI Concerto for strings in G minor, RV 157

JANITSCH Sonata da Camera in G minor, O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden


During the 17th century, the city of Bologna was a thriving epicentre of musical creativity.

Arcangelo Corelli (pioneering violinist and father of the concerto grosso) was just one musician among a throng of influential performers and composers to be trained in the city, a hub for burgeoning Baroque styles and advances in string playing in particular.


This program features some of the most delectable music from Bologna, before travelling further north to Berlin via Venice, Innsbruck, and Stuttgart — a road taken by many Italians in search of fame and fortune. Along the way, we’ll also meet some of the Germans who refined the sonata and the concerto in their own cultured way.


Come along for an entertaining road trip replete with a glorious musical menu!


Key dates:

16-17 May - Australian Brandenburg Orchestra 

3-8 June - Hamilton Eisteddfod Music 

10-16 June - Hamilton Eisteddfod Dance  

17 June - Hamilton Eisteddfod Speech and Drama