Middle Years

 - Mr Ben Hawthorne

It’s been a busy time in the Middle Years over the last two weeks, with the Year 9s completing their Melbourne Experience, the Year 8s involved in the Live4life Youth Mental Health promotion program, and the Year 7s focusing on their academic subjects in the lead up to their first experience of examinations.


Last week the Year 9s spent the week exploring Melbourne as part of their Urban Experience. Over the course of the week, they experienced:

  • A Muslim speaker who spoke about Islam.
  • An ex-gambler telling his cautionary and brutally honest story.
  • An understanding of homelessness through The Big Issue and Intersection.
  • Preparing meals for people less fortunate at Fareshare.
  • A tour of the Old Melbourne Gaol.
  • Admiring the view of the City from Eureka Tower.
  • Catching public transport and moving around the city.

The Year 9s were open and curious about each of these experiences and I was impressed by the thoughtful questions many of the students asked. It was a pleasure to watch them grow in confidence as they made their way around the city, and they relished the opportunity to build their independence. Seeing the looks of excitement on the faces of groups when they returned from a new experience or the way they described the adventures, catching a wrong tram or getting lost and finding their own way out of it, was a real highlight for me. The Melbourne Experience, while tiring, was fun and a great learning opportunity. I hope the Year 9s can share some of their stories with the Year 8s, who should be looking forward to their Year 9 Experience in 2025.


This Thursday the Year 8s participated in the Live4life launch event at Baimbridge College.  The Live4Life Program is a mental health promotional program, which our students will participate in this year. The program includes all Year 8 students across the Southern Grampians Shire completing the Teen Mental Health First Aid course later in Term Three. Having all Year 8s across multiple schools at the one venue was a unique experience and I enjoyed watching our students make friends and build connections with other Year 8s from across the Shire. There was a real community feel to the event.


Ben Hawthorne

Head of Middle Years 



  • Wednesday 22 May – Australian History Competition (period 4)
  • Friday 24 May – Year 8 YOLO Day at Mirranatwa