
- Ms Elly Dixon, Director of Sport

GD Cross Country

With a new venue for the GD cross country all runners were eager to check out the new track around the Casterton Secondary College. The College runners faced tough competition on a difficult course filled with many steep hills through the paddocks of Casterton. 


We had many standout performances including Yolanda O’Sullivan (1st13 year girls), Pepper Bowes (1st 16 year old girls), George Austin (1st senior boys). Special mentions also to Grace Potter, Jennifer Haydon, Jock Nicholls and Jack Jarvis who placed 2nd or 3rd in their respective age groups. We would like to thank those students who ran up an age group or filled in on the day to help with numbers. Overall, all runners should be very proud in their efforts, with College came 1st in the boy’s aggregate and 2nd in the overall aggregate. A big thanks to Miss Dixon for organising the teams and CSC for hosting the event.


Elsie Adams and George Austin

Cross Country Captains


Last Thursday a bus full of keen athletes headed to Melbourne early in the morning for the 2024 ICCES athletics competition. On arrival, we got straight into our events. Due to many SACs and assessments, we were light on for Year 11 and 12 athletes, and the younger year levels did an outstanding job at filling in and putting up their hands. Big shout out to Tom Hill for being a last-minute fill in for many events for the Year 12s and Lachie Oldfield Mann for filling in and completing each race with a big smile! 


We saw outstanding performances from many athletes, including Yolanda O’Sullivan who took out the 1500m for her age group and set a new record in her 800m run with a time of 2:28.67, Rupert Merrin, Sophie Satchell and Max Malseed all with first in shotput and Ava Murrihy with first in javelin. There were many other athletes who placed in the top three for their events throughout the day and at the end of the day we were awarded the Star Trophy. It was an amazing experience to compete at this level and to see all of our competitors supporting each other. I am so proud of everyone who competed and their amazing efforts. 


Arbella Little      

Athletics Captain


School Championship teams: tryouts have been undertaken and we have seen some great attendance at the intermediate and junior levels.  We have decided to have playing and training squads continue so that we can finalise teams in the long run, but also to give all the players the opportunity to continue training and improving.  Movement between playing and training squads may occur for different reasons, such as injury, illness, commitment, improvement, needs for a position etc.  We encourage all of the players to come prepared on the day of training (Year 7/8 – Tuesday lunch and Year 9/10 – Wednesday lunch).


I am still hoping for 1 extra parent to put their hand up to the umpire on the day of the competition – the 31st of July.  You must be badged.  Please get in touch with me if you are available.


500 Game Milestone

The newsletter is often a place to read about student achievement, but this week I would like to shine a spotlight on one of our staff members!  Susie Holcombe plays her 500th GAME for Branxholme this weekend (on top of all her games for Penshurst at the start of her playing career). Susie is an amazingly skilled player, who continues to run the mid-court with strength and speed, who delivers passes with great accuracy, and who gives amazing direction and encouragement to her teammates.  And if that wasn’t enough, she also umpires every week, is on the South West League committee and continues to give in every aspect of the game.  Susie also gives an enormous amount to our College netball program – she is one of a kind and I can’t thank her enough for all that she has done for us.


Congratulations, Susie!!!


Jody Ogle

Head of Netball


Game 1 - vs Monivae College

  • Lost by 6 goals
  • Goalkickers : G. Austin
  • Best Players – G. Austin, J. Nicholls, J. Tonnisen, J.Wortley, M. Hutchings

Game 2 - vs Portland Secondary College

  • Lost by 2 points
  • Goalkickers – L. Dwyer
  • Best Players – T. Hunter, M. Hutchings, G. Austin, J. Nicholls, J. Wortley


Game 3 - vs Baimbridge College

  • Won by 12 goals
  • Goalkickers – G. Austin x 3, J. Wortley x 2, M. Hutchings x 2, M. Blake, J. Nicholls, L. Dwyer, E. Hunter
  • Best Players – G. Austin, J. Nicholls, J. Wortley, J. Tonnisen, T. Hunter

The College First 18 football team started off a bit flat coming together as a new team but made up for lost ground by the end of the day. Facing off with fierce cross-town rival Monivae College first up, the stakes were high.


With Jake Tonnisen big body and classy ruck taps, the college midfield was given a strong advantage which saw many clearances being won by midfielders such as Jock Nicholls, Jack Wortley and Ted Hunter. 


Going down in the first two games saw the college team hungry for a win. Playing Baimbridge College last, the College team played its best football for the day with 7 goalkickers scoring across the day. With forwards Ted Hunter and Matt Hutchings showing presence in the forward 50, Aiden Credlin also stood up in defence playing a pivotal role in our 12 goal win against Baimbridge College. Big thanks to Mr Alexander for coaching, Gappie Max St John for water/running and good luck to the Year 9/10 football team playing this Thursday.


George Austin 

Football Captain

Hockey - Division 1 Women


The College Women's team played a tough match against the Demons Women, winning 19-0. Goalscorers were Lily Cush (2), Sophie Merrin (5), Bels Little (2), Skye Headlam (2), Chloe Headlam (1), Emma Roberston (2), Daisy Henry (3), Sophie Spence (1), Liv Porter (1). It was a great game, and we look forward to playing Dunkeld White on May 26 for our next match.


Lily Cush

Hockey Captain