Board Chair

 - Mrs Rosemary Merrin

Board Appointment – Neil MacLean

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Neil MacLean to the College Board of Governors. Continuing his long and varied involvement with the College, Neil has been unanimously accepted as a new director of the College and will attend his first Board meeting in this capacity next week. But it will not, of course, be his first College Board meeting having been a staff member for an extraordinary 43 years, retiring as Associate Principal (Operations) at the end of 2020. Neil was Acting Principal on four occasions during his tenure – three for a term and once for six months – and is therefore well prepared to move into a governance position.


Neil brings an unparalleled understanding of the College and its past, but also a keen eye towards its future. He has been involved in all major educational innovations at the College across many decades, including being heavily involved in the former Year 9 China Experience and partnership with Gaoyou Middle School. Neil’s willingness to look forward whilst simultaneously understanding the importance of our past will be an asset to the College Board and we look forward to his commencement. 


Rosemary Merrin 

Chair of the College Board