Senior School

 (Years 11 and 12)

VCE and Careers Expo  |  Congratulations Kosta and Jack  |  

Year 12 VCE Visual Communications and Design excursion  |  VCE Music Tutoring Class  |  Year 12 VCE VM Amazing Race  |  VCE VM Senior School Team

VCE and Careers Expo

Our Year 11s attended the VCE & Careers Expo on Friday 3rd May at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Students were able to see what courses and career paths are out there whilst gaining a further understanding of the steps to take to enter certain industries. 


Here are a few student testimonials:

Cheltenham Secondary was fortunate to attend this year's careers expo, there was an indefinite amount of information provided on the day about not only universities but also pathways and opportunities to consider after high school. The Expo was such an eye-opener to start to think about what comes next. I would recommend tagging along for the day for the information provided and the abundance of free pens and footy merch you score in the end.  - Atika S.


Last Friday, the Year 11s met at Southland station to make our way to the Convention Centre. At the expo, we were able to find stalls, presentations and seminars (and free merch!) for all of our options for after school and there really was something for everyone. It was also a really nice surprise to see other schools there and to chat with some primary school friends. A great day was had by all! - Campbell H.

Congratulations Kosta and Jack

Two of our VCE VM Kosta (Year 12) and Jack (Year 11) students have started school-based apprenticeships. A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SBAT) gives students paid on-the-job training while they complete secondary school. SBATs combine part-time employment with training toward a nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) qualification. Students can receive credit for their SBAT towards the VCE, VCE Vocational Major or Victorian Pathways Certificate.


I've started a school-based apprenticeship working at KG Carpentry. I am working two days a week, every Wednesday and Friday. This allows me to complete my year 12 VCE VM certificate as well as start my apprenticeship in carpentry.

I am able to gain part-time work experience while still at school as well as an accredited Certificate III qualification. Once I have finished school I will then transition straight into full-time work. 

- Kosta B.



I am completing a school-based apprenticeship, working on Wednesdays and Fridays at Complete Colour in Cheltenham.  I will complete my Certificate III in printing, while working in the industry, as well as completing my VCE VM certificate.

The career opportunities this will give me include, digital print manager, digital printer, print machinist, and screen printer. 

- Jack S.

VCE Visual Communications and Design

The Unit 3 & 4 VCD class took to the Melbourne Museum on Friday 24th May to see the Top Design exhibition that celebrates the innovation of Victoria’s VCE and VCE VET design students, offering insight into the future of socially conscious and responsive design.


The experience was very inspirational; offering students the opportunity to see first-hand all of the work and processes used by last year's design students. There were a variety of entrants however, it was noted that environmental design was very well represented. Students were encouraged to read through the folios on display to gain insight into the details explored in the design process. Zoe found an opportunity to engage in practical and human-centred research when she was able to ask students from other schools their opinions regarding the interactive display screens. An interactive experience that aligned very closely with her own design solutions.


We made our way to the Queen Victoria Gardens to experience the 2024 MPavillion.

MPavillion is Australia’s leading architecture commission: a place for debate around the design of today and tomorrow. Conceived and created by Naomi Milgrom AC as an initiative of the Naomi Milgrom Foundation, MPavilion celebrates a decade as the country’s cultural laboratory in 2023.


We studied the 2024 Pavillion in our exploration of the field of environmental design. It was great to engage with a design that we had recently read about.  It was a quiet space to rest and reflect. 


An excellent annual excursion for the VCD students at Chelt.Sec and this year's trip finished with some students opting for a quick pop into the NGV International to see the Artist Book Fair.  It was a great day full of inspiration, it is always fun to go and check out what is going on in the City.


VCE Music Tutoring Class

The VCE and Year 10 music students are continuing the tradition of the VCE music Friday morning tutoring classes. Performing music is not just hitting things and making noise; it involves knowledge of music theory and a well-trained ear. These are skills that take time, hard work, and early morning starts!


Year 12 VCE VM Amazing Race

Our Year 12 VM students recently participated in an exhilarating Amazing Race event around Cheltenham. Starting and concluding at Cheltenham Secondary College, the race took students to key locations such as Southland, Waves and Le Page Park.


Teams tackled various challenges at each stop. The event emphasised teamwork, strategic thinking, and physical endurance. The day was a great success, creating lasting memories for all participants.


Senior School Team...            

                            Trent McIntyre                                 Lyndsey Beames                

                            Director of Senior School             Senior School Coordinator                         


                            Jordy Hine                                         Marty Rice                

                            Senior School Coordinator          Senior School Coordinator