From the SRC

Reconciliation Week  |  World Environment Day

On Monday 27th my peers and I went down to Mordialloc to participate in a Flag Raising Ceremony for National Reconciliation Week. A local elder, Uncle Shane, ran the event beginning with a smoking ceremony, everyone was invited up to walk through the smoke. After everyone was cleansed from the smoke Uncle Shane talked about the importance of reconciling and how it helps us to move forward. This year's Reconciliation Week theme is 'Now More Than Ever', highlighting how the connection between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians is a lot stronger now than ever before and how now is the time to take action on issues that concern First Nations people. After the ceremony, we were invited upstairs for morning tea. 


Jade F.

Indigenous Leader

Thank you to the Chelt.Sec community for their gold coin donations for our free dress day supporting World Environment Day and Environment Victoria.  We raised $616 for this worthy cause.