
Year 8 Girls Volleyball  |  Senior Sport  |  Diversity Day  |  Intermediate Sport  |  

Beachside Cross Country | College Sports Academy 

Year 8 Girls Volleyball

After winning the Beachside Round Robin, the next round of games for our Year 8 girls volleyball team were the Southern Metro Regional games. This happened to be scheduled on the same day as the Staff Professional Development Day. So while all our other students were enjoying a sleep-in, the girls were at school by 8.30am and enjoyed a fun day out with their friends. Thank you Ms Voullaire for taking the group.

Grace, Charlotte, Molly, Charli, Emma, Shanaya, Jasmine
Grace, Charlotte, Molly, Charli, Emma, Shanaya, Jasmine

Senior Sport

Across two days our senior students made a great contribution to Term 2 Senior Sport. On Tuesday 7th May there was boys football and girls netball, as well as a small group who made the journey to Sunbury, to take part in the Lawn Bowls SMR final. This was followed by the second day of sport on Thursday 16th May, at which we had boys and girls badminton, table tennis, boys basketball, girls and boys soccer teams.  Although we had no wins in the rounds, a great day was had by all. 


This brings an end to Interschool Sport for our Year 12 students (excluding senior cricket). We wish the students well in all their sports endeavours and thank them for representing Chelt.Sec over their time here at the College. 


The table tennis players who travelled to Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre had the pleasure of watching the professionals at work (No, not Mr Mazurek). Australian representatives from the Commonwealth, Olympic and Paralympic Games were having a training session in preparation for the Paris 2024 Olympic Trials (Ballarat 17-19 May).  We wish the Aussie team every success.


Yangzi Liu is Australias highest-ranked women's player
Dillon 'Kid Dynamite' Chambers
Nicholas Lum - Australian Table Tennis Teen Sensation
Australian Paralympian Trevor Hirth
They try to look tough but in fact they are the lovilest group to take on excursion.
Yangzi Liu is Australias highest-ranked women's player
Dillon 'Kid Dynamite' Chambers
Nicholas Lum - Australian Table Tennis Teen Sensation
Australian Paralympian Trevor Hirth
They try to look tough but in fact they are the lovilest group to take on excursion.


Seven-time Olympian Jian Fang Lay in training with Yangzi Liu

Diversity Day

Boys Netball is always the most popular sport signed up for in Term 2, across all year levels. Two senior, two intermediate and two junior teams made for a very full bus trip to Dandenong.  Congratulations to the Junior Boys Netball team who will go through to the next round on 5th August. 


Our Intermediate Girls Football team headed to Highett Reserve and played well but just didn't have enough wins at the end of the round robin.


Hopefully next year we have enough girls to make a junior team, remembering that just making the numbers to field a side is not enough. We need to allow for players on the bench to rest and remain safe and injury free.

Intermediate Sport

Term 2 sports for Years 9 and 10 are netball, football, badminton, soccer and handball; which were competed in on Wednesday 22nd May. On the day, our Intermediate Netball A team defeated cross town rivals Mentone Girls and will progress to the Southern Metro Finals on Thursday 8th August; all other teams had a great day, but didn't bring home the chocolates.

Beachside Cross Country

Friday 17th May saw 20 students travel to Karkarook Park to compete in the Beachside Cross Country. The effort shown by our runners was extraordinary and all are congratulated for their participation. 12 of our students qualified for the Southern Metro Regional Cross Country to be held on Tuesday 25th June at Ballam Park. Well done!


Coming up in Sport


Thursday 6th June

Year 8 Sport


Thursday 13th June

Year 7 Sport