News of the Week

Dear Parents and Friends,
Welcome to this week's newsletter. Today we will have an update on the rabbits, talk about the BEBRAS math competition, Cross Country, the 5/6 Interschool Sports and Walk to School Wednesdays. We will hear about Mini Vinnies, Confirmation Commitment Mass, National Simultaneous Storytime, the Prayer Service for National Reconciliation Week and Kilbreda’s visit to the Year 5 girls.
Update on the Rabbits
Interview with Arian:
The baby bunnies eyes have opened and freely can move around. They get scared easily and are very fluffy. The bunnies eat rabbit pellets and drink water, and the mother eats apples and celery and she also drinks lots of water. The Foundation and 1/2's will get to feed them one day! There are 5 bunnies and one mother rabbit.
Cross Country
We went from school to Karkarook Park by bus and represented St Brigid's primary school at the Mordialloc District Cross Country Carnival. We came 8th out of 11 teams and we came first with the handicap trophy. Mikayla G came 10th in the districts carnival and ran at the Division Championship today. This is what Mikki had to say about her run this morning.
Mikayla G:
When I first arrived at Karkarook Park around 10:20 am, I was so nervous while we had to wait in line to run. When we started, it was very squishy because everyone was in groups and it took me a while to get past them. I wasn't as puffed as last time and I felt that I could have done a bit better. I was so intimidated because all of them do lots of athletics.
Mikki came 23rd out of 90 children at the Division Cross Country today. We are super proud of you Mikki.
5/6 Interschool Sport
Last Friday, we played against Dingley and on Monday we played Mentone Primary School. The results are listed below.
Dingley vs St Brigid's:
Soccer: 1-4
Footy: 119-9
Netball: 10-25
Mentone vs St Brigid's :
Soccer: 6-5
Footy: 17-15
Netball: 0-11 and 2-9
Soccer Interview - Josh
What was the favourite thing you did? Playing as a team.
Which was your favourite game? The Dingley because we worked really well together.
Did enjoy the overall experience? Yes, the overall experience was great.
What was the best highlight? Assisting a goal against Mentone Park.
Soccer Interview - Finn
What was the favourite thing you did? Assisting most of the goals.
Which was your favourite game? Dingley because we scored goals.
Did enjoy the overall experience? Yes I thought it was fun for everyone in the team.
What was the best highlight? Scoring two goals against Dingley.
Footy Interview - Harry
What was the favourite thing you did? Feel the experience of playing against schools.
Which was your favourite game? Mordy Beach because we played a good game.
Did enjoy the overall experience? Yes because I like to help play footy.
What was the best highlight? Playing with friends.
Footy interview - Luke
What was the favourite thing you did? Scoring a goal.
Which was your favourite game? The game against Mordy Beach.
Did enjoy the overall experience? Yes, it was great.
What was the best highlight? Scoring goals.
Netball interviews - Saoirse and Daphne
What was the favourite thing you did? Socialising, going out and playing, meeting other schools.
Which was your favourite game? Dingley because they were hard
Did enjoy the overall experience? Yes because we got to exercise and having fun
What was the best highlight? Playing with all my friends for the first time.
National Simultaneous Storytime 2024
The children enjoyed the National Simultaneous Storytime on Wednesday. We all had fun and participated in an activity following the story.
STEM - Maths online competition
2 weeks ago, we had an online competition about maths. This included students from Year 3 to Year 6 to answer questions on Maths. Here is Mrs Pattersons thoughts on the school-wide test. The children who participate will be receiving Certificates at next week's assembly.
Walk to school on Wednesday - Golden Boot Award
We are tallying our walking, scooting and riding to school to see who will win the Golden Boot Award. Here are the results so far: Foundation:
17 people in week 5
17 people in week 6
8 people in week 5
12 people in week 6
8 people in week 5.
11 people in week 6.
10 people in week 5.
12 people in week 6.
11 people in week 5.
9 people in week 6.
12 people in week 5.
11 people in week 6.
8 people in week 5.
9 people in week 6.
Don't forget - each Wednesday between now and the end of Term, we will be recording who walks, scoots and rides to school with the Golden Boot being awarded to the class that scores the most!
Mini Vinnies
What is the Mini Vinnies for?
The Minnie Vinnies is a Jr St Vincent De Paul that encourages young children to raise awareness of people in need.
What food do you want the school to bring in?
Pasta, rice, tins of tuna, blankets, beanies and gloves would be very good to bring to school on the day of St Vinnies. **Please note we will have a casual clothes day towards the end of this term which is when we will ask you to bring your items for our Winter St Vincent's Food Drive **
What is your main achievement for this occasion?
The main achievement is to support the people in need.
When is the Mini Vinnies happening?
The leadership team has decided to give the Year 4's an opportunity to be part of the Mini Vinnies and also about how they can apply to be apart of the Mini Vinnies
When is the next time we are doing the Vinnies?
The Mini Vinnies will officially start in Term 3.
Confirmation Commiltment Mass and Year 5/6 Level Mass - Interview with Hugo and Stephanie
How did you feel getting up on stage and talking or presenting?
Hugo - I felt overjoyed when I read at the Committment Mass.
Steph - I felt nervous, excited and had butterflies in my stomach but once I read my speech I felt proud of myself.
Did you like the experience of stepping up and talking?
Hugo - I felt excited and proud.
Steph - Yes it was very exciting and thrilling and a great experience.
Why did you decide to do this?
Hugo - I was asked to read at Mass and I thought it would be an amazing experience.
Steph - I decided to read because I have never done it before in front of a big audience.
What was your favourite part of the Mass?
Hugo - My favourite part of the Mass was doing the Offertory Procession and watching everyone do their speech.
Steph - My favourite part of the mass was getting up and doing my speech in front of the audience and making smores (warmed up marshallows smooshed between two biscuits) after Mass.
How did you enjoy the experience of the entire Mass?
Hugo - It felt very exciting and joyful.
Steph - I felt excited that I was going to be a confirmed as a Catholic of the church.
Prayer service at 9am next - Monday for National Reconciliation Week
On Monday at 9am, we are doing a prayer service for National Reconciliation Week. This service will be in the hall and we welcome all parents to join us.
Kilbreda visit to Year 5 Girls
This week our Year 5 girls met with the Principal of Kilbreda, Ms Nicole Mangelsdorf and two ex-St Brigid's Students, Marley G and Sohpie D. This was a great opportunity for our Year 5 girls to ask questions about High School and what is it like to attend Kilbreda. They learnt about the PE program, and how you may get the opportunity to go overseas for Camp in Year 10. They also got jelly beans. Our Year 5 Girls said this experience was 9/10!
Ms Mangelsdorf gave Mrs Sullivan a card from the current Year 7 St Brigid's students attending Kilbreda. It sounds like they have all settled into secondary school really well and are enjoying their time so far. Ms Mangelsdorf, Marley and Sophie also got to meet the St Brigid's Bunnies before they returned to Kilbreda.
Running Club
This week at running club.
laps run = 230
km run = 11.5km
Total Km = 436.4km
We are on the Hume Fwy/National Hwy in New South Wales in Kyeamba.
We hope you have enjoyed this week's Student Newsletter proudly presented by the Liturgy and Community Team.
Sasha, Havana, Max, Ethan, Harry, Finn and Declan