Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
Development of APF Log of Claims
Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
Development of APF Log of Claims
Consultation is well underway, and we are in the process of engaging with members on the development of the APF Log of Claims. The current VGSA 2022 expires on 31 December 2025 and it is important for the bargaining team to consult far and wide to ensure that the log accurately reflects the needs and priorities of the members.
Throughout this term a series of meetings have been arranged across the metro and regional areas. The list of scheduled meetings is available on our website apf.net.au (member log in required).
We encourage you to attend a meeting near you and to bring along your leadership team and/or colleague from another school (non-members welcome). You may register your attendance by email at apf@apf.net.au stating which area meeting you would like to attend.
Towards the end of the term, an online forum will be held for members who could not attend the scheduled meetings. At the forum we will also provide feedback from the consultation meetings and what the key elements for inclusion in the log of claims were.
APF EBA team:
Tina King APF President- Victorian Branch tking@apf.net.au
Wendy Powson APF Vice President VIC Branch wendy.powson@education.vic.gov.au
Principal Lilydale HS
Andrew Cock Treasurer – VIC Branch Andrew.cock@education.vic.gov.au
Principal Blackburn PS
Aaron Smith APF VIC State Councillor Aaron.Smith@education.vic.gov.au
Principal Pakenham SC
Michael Jones APF VIC State Councillor Michael.Jones@education.vic.gov.au
Principal Coatesville PS